Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll

2024 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll

The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

All Concord teachers, nurses, custodians, aids, and administrators!

Larissa Brown – Christa McAuliffe School

Jessica Carroll – Christa McAuliffe School

Kathy Donovan – Beaver Meadow School

Heather Hepburn – Christa McAuliffe School

Mary Saggau – Christa McAuliffe School

Nathan Shartar-Howe – Abbot-Downing School

2023 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll

The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

All Concord teachers, nurses, custodians, aids, and administrators!

Chelsea Barbosa – Rundlett Middle School

Kristen Curren – Rundlett Middle School

Leslie Duford – Rundlett Middle School

George Golden – Concord High School

Staci Macri – Abbot-Downing School

Sarah Nute – Rundlett Middle School

Jessica Parent – Rundlett Middle School

Kristina Peare – Concord High School

Jason Petzold – Concord High School

Bart Pospychala – Concord High School

Alysia Rice – Christa McAuliffe School

2022 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll

The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Diane Barlow – Rundlett Middle School

Michael Bouffard – Rundlett Middle School

Liz Bozek – Abbot-Downing School

Meg Brown – Christa McAuliffe School

Allison Caskoe – Abbot-Downing School

Graeme Crowther – Concord High School

Brian Daniels – Rundlett Middle School

Lynne Garvey – Concord High School

Sarah Hayes – Concord High School

Heather Hepburn – Christa McAuliffe School

Brian Huckins – Rundlett Middle School

Ronald Jacques – Rundlett Middle School

Stephanie LaRochelle – Christa McAuliffe School

Lauren Orlen – Concord High School

Kristina Peare – Concord High School

Jason Petzold – Concord High School

Aaron Sommers – Concord High School

Marnix Van Steenbergen – Concord High School

Megan Vasconcellos – Abbot-Downing School

Jane Voth-Palisi – Concord High School

2021 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Gabe Cohen – Concord High School

Brin Cowette – Concord High School

Casey Ireland – Abbot-Downing School

Erica Izzi – Abbot-Downing School

Trish-Marie Jowders – Abbot-Downing School

Clint Klose – Concord High School

Jill Ledee – Abbot-Downing School

Michael Pelletier – Christa McAuliffe School

Jason Petzold – Concord High School

Rebecca Taylor – Christa McAuliffe School

Laura-Beth Ulwick – Abbot-Downing School

Emily Wilkes – Abbot-Downing School

2020 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll

The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Kathleen Allard – Rundlett Middle School

Michele Bartlett – Rundlett Middle School

Julia Batchelder – Concord High School

Paige Belanger – Abbot-Downing School

Kimberly Bleier-Woods – Concord High School

Anthony Blinn – Abbot-Downing School

Jessica Boezeman – Rundlett Middle School

Lise Bofinger – Concord High School

Liz Bozek – Abbot-Downing School

Zachary Cary – Abbot-Downing School

Kerry Chamberlin – Concord High School

Lisa Donovan [retired] – Dewey School & Kimball School

Laura Ernst – Concord High School

Chad Fleming – Concord High School

Amy Golden – Rundlett Middle School

Erica Izzi – Abbot-Downing School

Trish-Marie Jowders – Abbot-Downing School

Clint Klose – Concord High School

Michael Komorek – Broken Ground School

Ann Lanney – Rundlett Middle School

Mary Martinson – Christa McAuliffe School

Lauren Matava – Broken Ground School

Elizabeth Mignault – Abbot-Downing School

Dawn Morris – Mill Brook School

Brendan O’Connor – Rundlett Middle School

Rebecca Olive – Christa McAuliffe School

Linda O’Rourke – Rundlett Middle School

Kristina Peare – Concord High School

Jason Petzold – Concord High School

Steve Rothenberg – Concord High School

Alex Sargent – Abbot-Downing School

Amy Scherr – Rundlett Middle School

Chelsea Stickney – Abbot-Downing School

Jane Voth-Palisi – Concord High School

Mary Wyatt – Abbot-Downing School

2019 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll

The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Paul Bourassa – Christa McAuliffe School

Tracy Carpenter – Abbot-Downing School

Jill Carson – Rundlett Middle School

Zach Cary – Abbot-Downing School

Jeff Estabrook – Concord High School

Matt Finney – Broken Ground School

Chad Fleming – Concord High School

Dan Gauthier – Rundlett Middle School

Lindsey Hebert – Rundlett Middle School

Christine Holliday – Christa McAuliffe School

Tracey Huppe – Beaver Meadow School

Mike Pelletier – Christa McAuliffe School

Meredith Shepherd – Christa McAuliffe School

Sharon Sorette – Mill Brook School

2018 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Michele Bartlett – Rundlett Middle School

Lise Bofinger – Concord High School

Rick Bragg – Rundlett Middle School

Brin Cowette – Concord High School

Bill Crowley – Concord High School

Graeme Crowther – Concord High School

Heidi Crumrine – Concord High School

Jane Donohue – Broken Ground School

Darch Ferry – Rundlett Middle School

Matt Finney – Broken Ground School

Chad Fleming – Concord High School

Jonathan Flower – Concord High School

Denise Fournier – Concord High School

Jeff Fullam – Concord High School

Susan Gamache – Rundlett Middle School

Daniel Gauthier – Rundlett Middle School

Amy Golden – Rundlett Middle School

Joseph Guadagno – Rundlett Middle School

Jim Harvey – Rundlett Middle School

Sarah Hayes – Rundlett Middle School

Melissa Huckins – Rundlett Middle School

Patricia Jared – Concord High School

Chris Lane – Rundlett Middle School

Christopher Lance – Rundlett Middle School

Bonnie Larochelle – Christa McAuliffe School

Suzanne LeBlanc – Rundlett Middle School

Larissa Makris – Christa McAuliffe School

Katherine McDonough – Concord High School

Sarah Newton – Rundlett Middle School

Laura Norwalt Owen – Rundlett Middle School

Brendan O’Connor – Rundlett Middle School

Mark Paveglio – Rundlett Middle School

Kristina Peare – Concord High School

Mike Pelletier – Christa McAuliffe School

Jason Petzold – Concord High School

Jan Roberts – Rundlett Middle School

Rebecca Tancrede – Concord High School

Jane Voth – Concord High School

Lynn Warner – Broken Ground School

2017 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Mike AlbericiAbbot-Downing School

Diane Barlow – Rundlett Middle School

Casey BarnewallChrista McAuliffe School

Jessica BoezemanConcord High School

Zachary CaryAbbot-Downing School

Kerry Chamberlin – Concord High School

Kaileen Chilauskas – Concord High School

Gabe CohenConcord High School

Graeme Crowther – Concord High School

Heidi Crumrine – Concord High School

Tom Crumrine – Concord High School

Kristen Curren – Rundlett Middle School

Anna Marie Di Pasquale – Concord High School

Laurie EarpChrista McAuliffe School

Laura ErnstConcord High School, Rundlett Middle School

Darcy FerryRundlett Middle School

Matt Finney – Broken Ground School

Chad FlemingConcord High School

Jim FoleyConcord High School

Jeff FullamConcord High School

Dan Gauthier – Rundlett Middle School

Jim Gocha – Rundlett Middle School

Amy GoldenRundlett Middle School

George Golden – Concord High School

Lisa Ann HamChrista McAuliffe School

Julie Harrington – Rundlett Middle School

Betty HoadleyChrista McAuliffe School

Chris LaneRundlett Middle School

Marianne LaPlante – Rundlett Middle School

Bonnie LarochelleChrista McAuliffe School

Stephanie LarochelleChrista McAuliffe School

Liz MacBrideChrista McAuliffe School

Melissa McCaffreyRundlett Middle School

Steve MelloConcord High School Athletics

Danielle MoranChrista McAuliffe School

Shawn Moseley – Rundlett Middle School

Missy NoyesChrista McAuliffe School

Jenifer O’Sullivan – Rundlett Middle School

Donna Palley – Central Office

Sarah Paquin – Rundlett Middle School

Jessica Parent – Rundlett Middle School

Mike PelletierChrista McAuliffe School

Bart PospychalaConcord High School

Tracy Renaud – Rundlett Middle School

Rachel SargentConcord High School

Tom Sica – Concord High School

Matt Skoby – Concord High School

Luanne SnowAbbot-Downing School

Rebecca TaylorChrista McAuliffe School

Meredith Vickery – Concord High School

Jane Voth – Concord High School

Lee WeberMill Brook School

Kate WeeksRundlett Middle School

Dan WilczewskiRundlett Middle School

Emily WilkesAbbot-Downing School

Megan WyattConcord High School

Trish ZiakasAbbot-Downing School

2016 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Diane Barlow – Rundlett Middle School

Peter Barraud – Rundlett Middle School

Julia Batchelder – Concord High School

Linda Becker – Christa McAuliffe School

Adam Bliss – Concord High School

Sarah Carson – Concord High School

Jennifer Charleston – Rundlett Middle School

Clint Close – Concord High School – Drama Club

Gabe Cohen – Concord High School

Nicole Conner – Rundlett Middle School

Gene Connolly – Concord High School

Brin Couette – Concord High School

Allison Davis – Christa McAuliffe School

Ms. Donoghue – Christa McAuliffe School

Leslie Duford – Rundlett Middle School

Laurie Earp – Christa McAuliffe School

Sissy Ellis – Abbot-Downing School

Laura Ernst – Concord High School

Jim Foley – Concord High School

Denise Fournier – Concord High School

Jeff Fullam – Concord High School

Susan Gamache – Rundlett Middle School

Daniel Gauthier – Rundlett Middle School

George Golden – Concord High School

Kevin Greene – Rundlett Middle School

Joe Guadagno – Rundlett Middle School

Mrs. Ham – Christa McAuliffe School

Sara Hans – Concord High School

Frank Harrison – Concord High School

Betsy Heath – Rundlett Middle School

Kristen Houghton – Concord High School

Brian Huckins – Rundlett Middle School

Melissa Huckins – Rundlett Middle School

Ann Junkin – Abbot-Downing School

Suzanne LaBlanc – Rundlett Middle School

Christopher Lane – Rundlett Middle School

Bonnie Larochelle – Christa McAuliffe School

Stephanie Larochelle – Christa McAuliffe School

Liz MacBride – Christa McAuliffe School

Andrea McGahan – Christa McAuliffe School

Derek Mercier – Concord High School

Angela Mullins – Concord High School

Kelly Noel – Concord High School

Lauren Orlen – Concord High School

Linda O’Rourke – Rundlett Middle School

Jenifer O’Sullivan – Rundlett Middle School

Heather Ouellette-Cygan – Concord High School

Rebecca Olive – Christa McAuliffe School

Kristina Peare – Concord High School

Jessica Parent – Rundlett Middle School

Laura Prewitt – Concord High School

Christina Richards – Christa McAuliffe School

Shannon Riley-Martin – Concord High School

Rebecca Robinson – Concord High School

Diane Serard – Abbot-Downing School

Anthony Varga – Rundlett Middle School

Lyn Vinskus – Concord High School

Jane Voth – Concord High School

Pamela Wroblewski – Rundlett Middle School

2015 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Tamara Anderson Rundlett Middle School

Diane Barlow Rundlett Middle School

Casey Barnewall Christa McAuliffe School

Peter Barraud Rundlett Middle School

Michelle Bartlett Rundlett Middle School

Judy Batchelder Concord High School

Linda Becker Christa McAuliffe School

Kimberly Bleier Concord High School

Lise Bofinger Concord High School

Paul Bourassa Christa McAuliffe School

Jessica Burggraf Concord High School

Jillian Carson Rundlett Middle School

Kaileen Chilauskas Concord High School

Gene Connolly Concord High School

Heidi Crumrine Rundlett Middle School

Dana Davidson Christa McAuliffe School

Susan DiCroce Rundlett Middle School

Leslie Duford Rundlett Middle School

Laurie Earp Christa McAuliffe School

Laura Ernst Concord High School

Darcy Ferry Rundlett Middle School

Matthew Finney Broken Ground School

Denise Fournier Concord High School

Jeff Fullam Concord High School

Dan Gauthier Rundlett Middle School

Frank Harrison Concord High School

Tamara Hatcher Concord High School

Betsy Heath Rundlett Middle School

Betty Hoadley Christa McAuliffe School

Kristen Houghton Concord High School

Brian Huckins Rundlett Middle School

Ann Junkin Abbot-Downing School

Chris Lane Rundlett Middle School

Stephanie LaRochelle Christa McAuliffe School

Joanne Lowe Concord High School

Rebecca Malloy Concord High School

Katherine McDonough Concord High School

Mary Miller Mill Brook School

Susan Moltisanti Mill Brook School

Danielle Moran Christa McAuliffe School

Julie Nazaka Rundlett Middle School

Sarah Newton Rundlett Middle School

Laura Norwalt Rundlett Middle School

Brendan O’Connor Rundlett Middle School

Linda O’Rourke Rundlett Middle School

Rebecca Olive Christa McAuliffe School

Jessica Parent Rundlett Middle School

Kristina Peare Concord High School

Michael Pelletier Christa McAuliffe School

Chris Rath Superintendent Concord School District

Sharon Reagan Christa McAuliffe School

Rebecca Robinson Concord High School

Jan Smith Christa McAuliffe School

Rebecca Taylor Christa McAuliffe School

Lyn Vinskus Concord High School

Jill Whitmore Rundlett Middle School

Daniel Wilczewski Rundlett Middle School

Mary Wilke Broken Ground School

Pamela Wroblewski Rundlett Middle School

Elizabeth York Concord High School

2014 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Name School
Tamara Anderson Rundlett Middle School
Diane Barlow Rundlett Middle School
Linda Becker Christa McAuliffe School
Emily Bemis Rundlett Middle School
Paul Bourassa Christa McAuliffe School
Robert Brown Rundlett Middle School
Mary Jane Burbank Abbot-Downing School
Zach Cary Abbot-Downing School
Kerry Chamberlin Concord High School
Michelle Chapman Rundlett Middle School
Christian Clark Rundlett Middle School
Gene Connolly Concord High School
Dana Davidson Christa McAuliffe School
Mark Denoncour Abbot-Downing School
Stephanie Downing Christa McAuliffe School
Jeremy Duclos Concord High School
Kerstin Dumas Christa McAuliffe School
Laurie Earp Christa McAuliffe School
Sophia Ellis Abbot-Downing School
Laura Ernst Concord High School
Laura Ernst Rundlett Middle School
Darcy Ferry Rundlett Middle School
Chad Fleming Concord High School
Jeff Fullam Concord High School
Kris Gallo Christa McAuliffe School
Sue Gamache Rundlett Middle School
Michelle Garfield Rundlett Middle School
James Gocha Rundlett Middle School
Eileen Guzman Christa McAuliffe School
Laurie Haney Rundlett Middle School
Betty Hoadley Christa McAuliffe School
Melissa Huckins Rundlett Middle School
Jonathan Kelly Concord High School
Christopher Lane Rundlett Middle School
Bonnie Larochelle Christa McAuliffe School
Rachel Ludwick Christa McAuliffe School
Stacy Macri Concord High School
Derek Mercier Abbot-Downing School
Laura Norwalt Rundlett Middle School
Brendan O’Connor Rundlett Middle School
Rebecca Olive Christa McAuliffe School
Jennifer O’Sullivan Rundlett Middle School
Kristina Peare Concord High School
Michael Pelletier Christa McAuliffe School
Jean Picard Concord High School
Bart Pospychala Concord High School
Nathan Powers Rundlett Middle School
Joseph Proulx Concord High School
Sharon Reagan Christa McAuliffe School
Donna Reardon Concord High School
Sharon Richert Christa McAuliffe School
Jennifer Rivers Concord High School
Bethany Roberge Christa McAuliffe School
Rebecca Robinson Concord High School
Maura Sampson Concord High School
Rachel Sargent Concord High School
Jan Smith Christa McAuliffe School
Lori Trefethen Rundlett Middle School
Marnix Von Steenbergen Concord High School
Jane Voth-Palisi Concord High School
Elizabeth York Concord High School
Trish-Marie Ziakas Abbot-Downing School
2013 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Tamara Anderson Rundlett Middle School

Diane Barlow Rundlett Middle School

Casey Barnewall Christa McAuliffe School

Timothy Beaulieu Concord High School

Kimberly Bleir Concord High School

Christine Boezeman Concord High School

Paul Bourassa Christa McAuliffe School

Andrew Briers Concord High School

Robert Brown Rundlett Middle School

Kerry Chamberlin oncord High School

Anne Marie Clement Rundlett Middle School

Clint Cogswell School Board Member

Stephanie Downing Christa McAuliffe School

Leslie Duford Rundlett Middle School

Jack Dunn District Financial Officer

Darcy Ferry Rundlett Middle School

Matthew Finney Broken Ground School

John Forrest Beaver Meadow School

Jeffrey Fullam Concord High School

Dan Gauthier Rundlett Middle School

James Gocha Rundlett Middle School

George Golden Concord High School

Joseph Guadagno Rundlett Middle School

Laurie Haney Rundlett Middle School

John Hatab Beaver Meadow School

Betsy Heath Rundlett Middle School

Betty Hoadley Christa McAuliffe School

Fatma Isikdag Concord High School

Jonathan Kelly Concord High School

Christopher Lane Rundlett Middle School

Bonnie Larochelle Christa McAuliffe School

Stacy Macri Abbot-Downing School

Carol McCarthy Christa McAuliffe School

Sue Moltisanti Mill Brook School

Shannon Mounsey Beaver Meadow School

Kelly Noel Concord High School

Brendan O’Connor Rundlett Middle School

Linda O’Rourke Rundlett Middle School

Michael Pelletier Christa McAuliffe School

Jason Petzold Concord High School

Jim Pike Beaver Meadow School

Sarah Pike Broken Ground School

Nathan Powers Rundlett Middle School

Sharon Richert Christa McAuliffe School

Heather Santitto Christa McAuliffe School

Jill Shaw Beaver Meadow School

Jan Smith Christa McAuliffe School

Marnix Steenbergen Concord High School

Charles Swift Concord High School

Anthony Varga Rundlett Middle School

Daniel Wilczewski Rundlett Middle School

Trish-Marie Ziakas Abbot-Downing School

2012 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

The Faculty and Staff of Concord High School

Tootie Arnold – Broken Ground School

Michelle Bartlett – Rundlett Middle School

Diane Barlow – Rundlett Middle School

Linda Becker – Christa McAuliffe School

Richard Blanschard – Concord High School

Paul Bourassa – Kimball/Walker School

Jonathan Bryde – Concord High School

Rachel Carter – Christa McAuliffe School

Matt Cashman – District Facilities Coordinator

Gene Connolly – Concord High School

William Cosentino – Rundlett Middle School

Michael Curtin – Concord High School

Susan DiCroce – Rundlett Middle School

Stephanie Downing – Kimball/Walker School

Stephanie Downing – Christa McAuliffe School

Matthew Finney – Broken Ground School

Jeff Fullam – Concord High School

James Gocha – Rundlett Middle School

Amy Golden – Rundlett Middle School

Eileen Gfoerer – Kimball School

Betsy Heath – Rundlett Middle School

Heather Hepburn – Kimball/Walker School

Betty Hoadley – Kimball/Walker School

Kristen Houghton – Concord High School

Diane Johnston – Kimball/Walker School

Diane Johnston – Christa McAuliffe School

Rebecca Jones – Kimball/Walker School

Christopher Lane – Rundlett Middle School

Marianne LaPlante – Rundlett Middle School

Ronald Jacques – Rundlett Middle School

Bonnie Larochelle – Kimball/Walker School

Elizabeth LaTorra – Kimball/Walker School

Nicole Lewis – Concord High School

Dan Magarian – Rundlett Middle School

Rebecca Malloy – Concord High School

Laura Matava – Broken Ground School

Carol McCarthy – Kimball/Walker School

Carol McCarthy – Christa McAuliffe School

Sarah McCarthy – Rundlett Middle School

Young McWhinnie – Kimball/Walker School

MaryBeth Morrill – Kimball/Walker School

Brendan O’Connor – Rundlett Middle School

Rebecca Olive – Kimball/Walker School

Kristina Peare – Concord High School

Michael Pelletier – Kimball/Walker School

Michael Pelletier – Christa McAuliffe School

Christine Rath – Superintendent

Rebecca Robinson – Concord High School

Tom Sica – Rundlett Middle School

Jan Smith – Kimball/Walker School

Jan Smith – Christa McAuliffe School

Sharon Sorette – Dame School

Marnix Steenbergen – Concord High School

Louise Walker – Kimball/Walker School

Kate Weeks – Rundlett Middle School

Mary Wilke – Broken Ground School

Larry Wolfe – Broken Ground School

2011 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

The Faculty and Staff of Concord High School

Dame School Administration, Teachers & Staff

Ed Barnwell – Dame School

Pam Beane – Beaver Meadow School

Linda Becker – Kimball/Walker School

Christine Bernino – Kimball School (retired)

Paul Bourassa – Kimball/Walker School

Rick Bragg – Rundlett Middle School

Michelle Chapman – Rundlett Middle School

Mike Curtin – Concord High School

Victoria DAllesandro – Rundlett Middle School

Stephanie Downing – Kimball/Walker School

Laura Ernst – Rundlett Middle School

Patty Fahey – Beaver Meadow School

Matt Finney – Broken Ground School

Jim Foley – Rundlett Middle School

John Forrest – Beaver Meadow School

Denise Fournier – Concord High School

Tootie Arnold – Broken Ground School

Michelle Bartlett – Rundlett Middle School

Diane Barlow – Rundlett Middle School

Linda Becker – Christa McAuliffe School

Richard Blanschard – Concord High School

Paul Bourassa – Kimball/Walker School

Jonathan Bryde – Concord High School

Rachel Carter – Christa McAuliffe School

Matt Cashman – District Facilities Coordinator

Gene Connolly – Concord High School

William Cosentino – Rundlett Middle School

Michael Curtin – Concord High School

Susan DiCroce – Rundlett Middle School

Stephanie Downing – Kimball/Walker School

Stephanie Downing – Christa McAuliffe School

Matthew Finney – Broken Ground School

Jeff Fullam – Concord High School

James Gocha – Rundlett Middle School

Amy Golden – Rundlett Middle School

Eileen Gfoerer – Kimball School

Betsy Heath – Rundlett Middle School

Heather Hepburn – Kimball/Walker School

Betty Hoadley – Kimball/Walker School

Kristen Houghton – Concord High School

Diane Johnston – Kimball/Walker School

Diane Johnston – Christa McAuliffe School

Rebecca Jones – Kimball/Walker School

Christopher Lane – Rundlett Middle School

Marianne LaPlante – Rundlett Middle School

Ronald Jacques – Rundlett Middle School

Bonnie Larochelle – Kimball/Walker School

Elizabeth LaTorra – Kimball/Walker School

Nicole Lewis – Concord High School

Dan Magarian – Rundlett Middle School

Rebecca Malloy – Concord High School

Laura Matava – Broken Ground School

Carol McCarthy – Kimball/Walker School

Carol McCarthy – Christa McAuliffe School

Sarah McCarthy – Rundlett Middle School

Young McWhinnie – Kimball/Walker School

MaryBeth Morrill – Kimball/Walker School

Brendan OConnor – Rundlett Middle School

Rebecca Olive – Kimball/Walker School

Kristina Peare – Concord High School

Michael Pelletier – Kimball/Walker School

Michael Pelletier – Christa McAuliffe School

Christine Rath – Superintendent

Rebecca Robinson – Concord High School

Tom Sica – Rundlett Middle School

Jan Smith – Kimball/Walker School

Jan Smith – Christa McAuliffe School

Sharon Sorette – Dame School

Marnix Steenbergen – Concord High School

Louise Walker – Kimball/Walker School

Kate Weeks – Rundlett Middle School

Mary Wilke – Broken Ground School

Larry Wolfe – Broken Ground School

Dame School Administration, Teachers & Staff

Ed Barnwell – Dame School

Pam Beane – Beaver Meadow School

Linda Becker – Kimball/Walker School

Christine Bernino – Kimball School (retired)

Paul Bourassa – Kimball/Walker School

Rick Bragg – Rundlett Middle School

Michelle Chapman – Rundlett Middle School

Mike Curtin – Concord High School

Victoria DAllesandro – Rundlett Middle School

Stephanie Downing – Kimball/Walker School

Laura Ernst – Rundlett Middle School

Patty Fahey – Beaver Meadow School

Matt Finney – Broken Ground School

Jim Foley – Rundlett Middle School

John Forrest – Beaver Meadow School

Denise Fournier – Concord High School

Susan Gamache – Rundlett Middle School

George Golden – Concord High School

Kevin Green – Rundlett Middle School

Jim Harvey – Rundlett Middle School

Diane Johnston – Walker School

Christopher Lane – Rundlett Middle School

Ann Lanney – Rundlett Middle School

Bonnie Larochelle – Kimball/Walker School

Linda Lawson – Concord High School

Suzanne LeBlanc – Rundlett Middle School

Judy Leidner – Broken Ground School

Carol Lewis – Kimball/Walker School

Karen McCormack – Broken Ground School

Cheryl Miner – Kimball/Walker School

Mary Beth Morill – Walker School

Laura Norwalt – Rundlett Middle School

Brendan OConnor – Rundlett Middle School

Rebecca Olive – Kimball/Walker School

Michael Pelletier – Kimball/Walker School

Jill Shaw – Dame School

Jan Smith – Walker School

Aaron Sommers – Concord High School

Kathy Sullivan – Conant School

Leigh Walls – Dame School

Mary Wilke – Broken Ground School

Larry Wolfe – Broken Ground School

2010 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

All Staff & Administration Kimball/Walker Schools – From the Kimball/Walker PTO

Entire Staff – Rumford School McClellan Family

Linda Becker – Kimball/Walker School

Casey Barnewall – Kimball/Walker School

Doris Bonds – Rundlett Middle School

Paul Bourassa – Kimball/Walker School

Rick Bragg – Rundlett Middle School

Alison Casko – Rundlett Middle School

Tracie Carpenter – Conant School

Rachel Carter – Kimball/Walker School

Michelle Cernuda – Concord High Preschool

Kerry Chamberlin – Concord High School

Gabe Cohen – Rundlett Middle School

James Corkum – Rundlett Middle School

Susan DiCroce – Rundlett Middle School

Jane Dodson – Broken Ground School

Stephanie Downing – Kimball/Walker School

Val Flanders – Concord High Preschool

Lindsay Foley – Rundlett Middle School

Judi French – Rundlett Middle School

Rachel Guerdat – Broken Ground School

Julie Harrington – Rundlett Middle School

Brenda Hastings – Broken Ground School

Phil Hoefs – Broken Ground School

Melissa Huckins – Rundlett Middle School

Rebecca Jones – Kimball/Walker School

Sandi Keyes – Rundlett Middle School

Linda Kordas – Concord High School

Ann Lanney – Rundlett Middle School

Stephanie LaRochelle – Walker School

Christine LeBrun – Beaver Meadow School

Dan Magarian – Rundlett Middle School

Karen McCormack – Broken Ground School

Erica Meterier – Conant School

Mary Miller – Eastman School

Dawn Morris – Eastman School

Brendan O’Connor – Rundlett Middle School

Sheila Robinson – Kimball School (in memory of)

Sue Robichaud – Beaver Meadow School

Jill Shaw – Dame School

Jan Smith – Walker School

Harold Tuttle – Rundlett Middle School

Noreen Waters – Broken Ground School

Sarah Williams – Dame School

Karolyn Wurster – Rundlett Middle School

2009 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

Custodians – Rundlett Middle School

Staff – Beaver Meadow School

Teachers at Concord High alums from class of ’50 and ’55

Diane Barlow – Rundlett Middle School

Ed Barnwell – Dame School

Linda Becker – Kimball School

Kimberly Blier – Concord High School

Lise Bofinger – Concord High School

Doris Bonds – Rundlett Middle School

Paula Bonner – Conant School

Paul Bourassa – Kimball School

Rick Bragg – Rundlett Middle School

Rachel Carter – Kimball School

Kerry Chamberlin – Concord High School

Stephanie Chea – Kimball School

Mike Curtin – Concord High School

Cynthia Davis – Concord High School

Lisa Donovan – Kimball School

Stephanie Downing – Kimball School

Jeremy Duclos – Concord High School

Vincent Dude – Concord High School

Laurie Earp – Kimball School

Laura Ernst – Concord High School

Matthew Finney – Broken Ground School

Kevin Fleming – Concord High School

James Foley – Rundlett Middle School

Lindsey Foley – Rundlett Middle School

Rachel Guerdet – Broken Ground School

Julie Harrington – Rundlett Middle School

Chris Herr – Concord High School

Phil Hoefs – Broken Ground School

Barbara Jobin – Kimball School

Diane Johnston – Walker School

Jane Kleiner – Dame School

Linda Kordas – Concord High School

Harriet Kraybill – Concord High School

Ann Lanney – Rundlett Middle School

Marianne LaPlante – Rundlett Middle School

Bonnie Larochelle – Kimball School

Christine LeBrun – Beaver Meadow Elementary School

Sue Ann Martin – Broken Ground School

Lauren Matava – Broken Ground School

Karen McCormack – Broken Ground School

Andrea McGahan – Kimball School

Linda McMenimen – Dame School

Deborah Monson – Broken Ground School

Dawn Morris – Dame School

Amanda Neidhardt – Broken Ground School

Brendan O’Connor – Rundlett Middle School

Rebecca Olive – Kimball School

Kristina Peare – Concord High School

Michael Pelletier – Kimball School

Ruth Perencevich – Rundlett Middle School

Sharon Richert – Walker School

Paula Saltmarsh – Walker School

Jan Smith – Walker School

Aaron Sommers – Concord High School

Sharon Sorette – Dame School

James Sullivan – Concord High School

Tim Sullivan – Kimball School

Diane Watson – Concord High School

Kate Weeks – Rundlett Middle School

Nan Welch – Eastman School

Mary Wilke – Broken Ground School

Larry Wolfe – Broken Ground School

Karolyn Wurster – Rundlett Middle School

Therese Uboldi – Dame School

2008 Thank-A-Teacher Honor Roll
The following educators and staff members have been recognized with a “Thank-A-Teacher” contribution to the Concord Trust for the Enhancement of Public Education:

All Concord Teachers – Matt Bonner

Linda Annis – Kimball School

Linda Becker – Kimball School

Shirley Blanchard – Eastman School

Stephanie Celestin – Kimball School

Kristen Colburn – Broken Ground School

William Cosentino – Rundlett Middle School

Cynthia Davis – Concord High School

Chris Demers – Kimball School

Lisa Donovan – Kimball School

Leslie Duford – Rundlett Middle School

Laura Ernst – Concord High School

James Foley – Rundlett Middle School

Jeff Fullam – Concord High School

Christopher Herr – Concord High School

Barbara Jobin – Kimball & Walker Schools

Kat Johnson – Broken Ground School

Diane Johnston – Kimball School

Rebecca Jones – Kimball School

Susan Joyal – Dame School

Ellen Kenny – Rumford School

Linda Kordas – Concord High School

Harriet Kraybill – Concord High School

Liz Lakevicius – Kimball School

Bonnie Larochelle – Kimball School

Liz MacBride – Dame School

Carol McCarthy – Kimball School

Andrea McGahan – Kimball School

Linda McMenimen-Howe – Dame School

Deborah Monson – Broken Ground School

George Morrison – Concord High School

Cynthia Nix – Dame School

Kristina Peare – Concord High School

Sharon Reagan – Kimball School

Ann Rines – Rundlett Middle School

Michelle Romanelli – Kimball School

Rebecca Schaefer – Concord High School

Jill Shaw – Dame School

Emily Shea – Rundlett Middle School

Jan Smith – Kimball & Walker Schools

Aaron Sommers – Concord High School

Leigh Walls – Dame School

Nan Welch – Eastman School

Mary Wilke – Broken Ground School

Lawrence Wolfe – Eastman School

Jane Voth-Palisi – Concord High School

Elizabeth York – Concord High School